Upgrade your 22H
Completely change the character of your 22H for a much lower cost than a new amp.
Because our new PCBs are direct drop-in replacement for 22H or Custom 2.X ONLY you can send us your amp and we will retrofit it and return it to you with your new sound and a 2-year full warranty. These are not MODS to your existing PCB. We are replacing the entire circuit board AND the loop.
These new PCBs designed by Epic Amplification are a cost effective way to completely change the tonal character of your amp. Switchable options indicated will require us to drill your chassis to accommodate the switches. Please note your existing 22H PCB will stay with us for recycling into another amp. You pay shipping to get the amp to us, we pay shipping to return it to you.
Available in 2 types:
•Channel One 800
•Channel Two Brown Sound
•Saturation/diode clipping option
•Cold clipper switch option
•Depth control option
5LO - Super Lead Overdrive
- Crunch/Clean switch option
- Bright switch option